Friday, September 28, 2012

Vote for Small Businesses

For a handful of years now, small businesses in America have suffered from a slowing of the economy due to fiscal irresponsibility by big businesses.  The trickle-down effect has never been more poignant than it is today.  As a country based on money-flow, economics and the almighty dollar, the United States has forgotten the roots of its conception, Freedom.  We have replaced our value system with Greed.  For many, this is not a viable value to uphold.  

American freedom represents the right to vote for what we as individuals consider worthy, valuable and ethical to maintain a vibrant, growing society.   Because we have developed our nation into an economic machine, competing to see who can make the most money, and therefore hold the most power, the manner in which we spend our money is the real vote.

Large companies have little to no consideration for the individual.  Their purpose is to make money.  Corporations see employees as expendable, considering cost analysis and production the sole purpose for employment.   If someone or something can be more efficient and less costly, the employee will be replaced.

Small businesses, on the other hand, are often birthed by someone’s dream.  The purpose for many small businesses is to fulfill a passion, and to ensure that passion is subsidized by the business’ earnings.  A small business caters to its community and cares about its customers.  Interactions with clients become personal connections, and both parties benefit from this mutual relationship.
What will really help us as individuals in our current economic situation?  Develop a relationship with the businesses in your neighborhood.  Patronize local establishments instead of mega-corporations, even if it means paying a little more.  Remember, your money is your vote in which direction our country will run- will it be by concerned local citizens that know your community, or by the next Walmart that squelches out the beautiful array of independent businesses?  Your vote matters.

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