Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Importance of Prayer, Meditation and Creativity

We are spiritual creatures invested in this physical world.  Each of us embody a soul which transcends this physical plane from birth to death, from life to life.  Ensconced as we are by the mendacity of the mundane, it is often difficult to ascertain the importance of feeding our spirits and nurturing our souls.  When we become so entrenched in the tedium of life, of paying our bills, of securing our relationships, of keeping abreast of the news around us, we oft forgo the most primary piece of ourselves: The evolution of our soul’s purpose.

Each of us are in a different place in the timeline of existence.  Each of us perceives our world through different eyes.  What may be judged ineffectual by one person, may be the key to success for another.  Knowing what is right for you on your personal evolutionary journey requires a concerted effort to be open to receiving this information.  Prayer and meditation, conscious thought and an open heart are all the tools that one requires to recognize and evolve into our fullest potentials in life.

Throughout history, mankind has sought connection with the divine.  This search can be seen in the up-rise of religious and esoteric study, through the creation of art, and by our desire to intimately connect with others.  It is when we become so separated from our soul that we begin to falter in life.  We may lose our temper, we may become sick, and we may become complacent or depressed when we are misaligned.  We become imbalanced when we lose faith and hope.

Each of us has been wounded.  None of us escapes life without having our heart bruised, without wondering if we are worthy of being loved, or really deserve to be given all the good things in life that we truly do desire.  Our fears keep us trapped.  We lock ourselves into our own self-made prison with worry, over-thinking and despair.  Perpetuating these fears are the voices that replay in our mind from our parents, our friends, the neighbors and the news.  So fearful we are of upsetting others that we forget about the still, small voice that is within each of us, reminders that we are holy, eternal and loved by our Creator.  

How do we shut out the noise and regain our centering?  How can we recognize what it is that truly matters?  We must consciously take the time to reflect and allow ourselves to open up to the eternal tether by which we all are connected.  As individual as we all are, with as many perspectives that we each hold in our existence, there is no singular “right” path to achieve this common goal.  

When we let go our judgments of what is right and what is wrong in how one may peruse awareness and subsequent unity, we are left open to receive enlightenment.  Sometimes this comes through venues which are surprising to us such as pondering symbolism, stories and scenarios.

Our world is riddled with symbols, all there as opportunities for us to see and mull when they present themselves in our lives.  Because we are eternally linked, ancient symbols have been given great power by our collective unconscious.  This is why herbal remedies work and why tarot readings can be helpful.  Our centuries of belief in them is what gives them the power to transform us.

Mythology, fables, and fairy tales all have the thread of our human plight woven within.  How many variations of the story of the Flood have we discovered?  How many tales of gods and goddesses, heroes and villains are told for generations?  Why are we so riveted by stories that have a protagonist, antagonist and challenge to be overcome?  Our human struggle is universal.  It is why these sagas endure and are adopted and reworked by different cultures through time.

Daily situations we encounter are also gifts given to us for further enlightenment.  Imagine taking a walk in the park with a friend.  What you see and what your friend sees may be the same scene, but how you internalize it can be vastly different.  A simple example: A mother scolds her child.  One person may believe that this is good parenting.  The other may disagree.  It is not for us to judge these things, but rather to acknowledge that each of our perceptions and how we react to them is a tool for better understanding ourselves.

It is only when we become blase about life that we start to get into trouble.  We may become inconsiderate of others.  We may succumb to mind-numbing addictions.  We may start to take our value from how we believe others view us.  Each of these detours will lead us away from ourselves and take us on bumpy, often heart-wrenching pathways.  To right our course takes concerted effort in initially altering the well-grooved patterns of fear, trepidation and judgment.  

Connecting with our divinity requires only one thing: the willingness to do so.

When you stop, open up and listen, you will discover that there are a plethora of tools for us to utilize in this endeavor.  

Here is a list of methods that people have productively used to regain awareness and enlightenment:

  • ·         Prayer
  • ·         Meditation
  • ·         Creativity

Each of these things are internal, personal ways to reconnect with the divinity that we all have and that we all are.

Prayer is a means by which we can give gratitude and thanks, and to also submit requests for our highest fulfillment.

Meditation is the clearing of the clutter of the mind, affording us the space to hear, recognize and then rejoice in the knowing.

Creativity is the extension of ourselves through art, a gift of awakening for us during the process and a gift to others with whom we share it.

As all thoughts are energy, what you think matters.  Guard your thoughts.  Let not your mind wander into places of judgment and despair, fear and worry, for what you put out there is what you will attract and also perpetuate.  Instead, use your energy to pay attention, to listen, to learn and to take heed of these useful guides and tools that will enable you to better move through life with grace and with love for yourself and for others.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Seed

There once was a seed, with a very big need,
to adventure outside on her own. 
Her face did upturn, the caress was a burn,
for the wind, he did capture her soul.

The westerly wind dropped the seed gently down,
on a land placed with forests and trees. 
The beauty she found as she laid on the ground,
was undoubtedly precious indeed.

She saw lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
And beautiful seasons of change. 
But purchase she not that very nice spot;
It was far too harsh for her brain.  

The beauty was tainted by those that had mated,
their lust causing trust be denied. 
So picked up her skirts, and off she did flirt,
with the wind once again at her side.

He carried her off, crossed a sea that was lost,
to an ocean of lovely domain. 
The ground that she found as she wound her way down
would be the place she laid claim.

“How lovely,” she cried as she clung to the side
 of the wind that beckoned her on.
 “I shan’t leave this place,” as her body did shake
 to be planted for this was her Home.

“On these holy grounds in which I have found
my purchase, my private delight,
I plant myself here with my notions made clear
to bring love and respect and insight.”

So settle did she, at the place by the sea
and grew she did every day.
Her flower was formed by the seed that was born
from a place long ago far away.

The bees they did come buzzing under the sun
for her fragrance was Heaven’s own scent.
The petals she wore as they flew to her more
were as soft as the dewdrop’s first kiss.

And flocked by their need they did bury the seed
breaking contact with her and the sun.
Her petals did wilt, her fragrance did stilt
and her head drooped down like a plumb.

The weeds they did grow, and carry and sow
their own seeds to be planted near her.
Whilst choking her out, she did cough and did spout,
wondering how this had all been incurred.

It was then that he spied, as he laid his fine eyes
the flower all wilted and ready
to give up her plight with this endless weed fight
and render her light to the eddy

Of timelessness Source, of peace and divorced
from battles with weeds and with beasts.
He lifted her up with care and with love
to the sun she so desperately seeks.

And shine it did down to warm her sweet crown
It brought her the light that she needs.
He kissed her soft petals; the thistles and nettles
he plucked from the space by the seed.

He gave her the room, the love and she bloomed
and found strength once more in the light.
For the sun as it’s needed by each of us seeded
In our grounds of earth packed so tight,

Can shine its bright light if we’re managed just right
with enough healthy space to extend
our beauty, our essence, and our gifts to this world
by the way that we grow and we bend.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

How To Attract the Best Relationships In Life

Attracting the Best Relationships in Business, in Friendships, in Marriage, in Life

Who wants a trusted friend?  Who wants to work with respected colleagues?  Who wants a solid, open relationship with their family?  Who wants to find their best mate in life?  We all seek to have good relationships with others.  Humans are inherently social creatures; we seek the companionship of other people in the journeys of our lives.  

Consider the law of attraction- what we put out there is what we attract.  This surety should snap you back to some accountability of self.  Healers will attract those that desire to be healed.  Nurturers will pull in those that want to be nurtured.  Strength will draw those that wish to be strong.  Love will feed those that need to be loved.

Like attracts like.  What are you putting out there?  Are you putting out Need?  Are you putting out Mistrust?  Are you putting out Fear?  If you worry about money and you are in a constant battle with yourself over how to balance your budget, you will put this harried, frenzied fear into your relationships with everything.  It is very burdensome for you, and for others.  “I just don’t have the money,” is often the excuse for not doing what you want to do, or going where you want to go, or being who you want to be.  “I just don’t have the time or the energy.”  Well that defeatist attitude will keep you at the gate, preventing you from enjoying the bounty of life’s journey, the delights in experiences and the joy in expression.

To reap the benefits of solid, equitable, respected and enjoyable relationships, one must take an honest look at themselves.  Are you being the type of person that you want to attract?  Are you being your full, authentic, unabashed self so that people can see who you really are?  Don’t you want to let others have the opportunity to really understand and appreciate and value you?  Be that.  Embody yourself every moment- let everyone see the gift that is uniquely You.

Each relationship that we have is a pivotal part of our development.  Every moment is the culmination of what we have become, who we are now, and what we choose in this instant.  When faced with this knowledge, life can become very easy if you have but one focused guide.  It is when we burden ourselves with fear of rejection, or debase ourselves with the punishment of denial, or concern ourselves with things that do not truly matter, that we are encumbered by a dizzying disarray of choices.  Clear these out of your mind.  Keep focused on only one manner of being: in all of your endeavours, in each responsibility you choose to undertake, with each action and reaction that you have opportunity to experience and extend, do these all with love.  Do these All with Love.  You will feel good about how you expend your energy and others will respect your manner.

See what magic happens next, beloved one.  See what doors will open to you, if you would only let them.  Stand in the strength that is yours, for each of us have the ability, the destiny to be fulfilled and have exactly what we want out of life’s relationships.  Struggles are here as a gift, golden opportunities once more for you to choose to consciously set the pattern of yourself and how you relate in life.  What direction, which method and by which means will you choose to embody yourself and your evolution of happiness today?  This is the meaning of Free Will.

We all seek to gain, because we know we are lacking;
To fill the void with naught but love,
that is our true journey.