Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How to Be A Good Leader

Are you a manager of employees, or a parent of children?  Many of the same valuable strategies are used when people rely on you as their leader in any case.  Your followers, willing or not, are people for whom you are responsible.  Though you are not responsible for the individual choices of their actions, you are responsible for teaching, guiding and enabling each person to do their very best.

What is not instinctually set within us is taught to us firstly by example.  Leading by example has been our evolutionary pattern.   Babies start to mimic sounds and the facial expressions of their parents soon after birth.  So too does the leader of a company set the parameter of how to act when an employee first starts work.  You impress upon your followers (your children, your employees) which ethics are important, how to manage problems that arise, and you instill within them how valuable they are to you.   You may not even realize this exchange is occurring in the relationship.
Your role as a leader of another comes with certain universal expectations from that person (which they may not consciously recognize themselves that they expect).   These are for you to be consistent, clear and concrete with them.   

In action and manner, your consistency is a solid platform on which your ward may comfortably interact with you.   * When you are in a leadership role, people expect you to act within certain cultural boundaries.  You are giving the gift of comfort and ease when you act within what is ‘normal’.  *

Being clear in your communication is vital to maintaining efficiency within the relationship.
 Having concrete goals that are measurable, achievable and recognized will empower the person you wish to guide.

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