Sunday, August 3, 2014

When Change Comes- Are You Ready?

We have become creatures of habit.  Routines are created and reinforced by our daily decisions.  Think for a moment about your morning routine.  You often wake up at the same time, consume your coffee or tea, take a taste of the world around you via newsfeeds, emails, FaceBook, take the same route to work and greet each person with “Good morning,” and “How are you today?”  All of these simple patterns are formed and grooved whether or not we consciously choose to act upon them.

But what happens if your alarm doesn’t go off and you wake up later than usual, find that you’re out of coffee, don’t have time to check the news and end up in a traffic jam on your way to work and as you arrive late to your place of employment, there is no time to make your friendly good morning greetings?  

How do you feel when your routine is disrupted?

Most of us would consider such a morning to be a bad start to the day and we may very well allow it to effect the rest of our day and how we interact with each other.  

Life is full of surprises and changes to our routines, no matter how established they are.  When changes occur, challenge yourself to see this disruption as a gift rather than as a denial.

Know that you will be taken care of when you let go of your pre-conceived ideas of what you believe needs to happen vs. what is happening, because honestly, when the rug is pulled out from beneath you, you do need to have this happen to remind yourself that you are balanced enough to withstand the shaking, that your foundation is not where you stand, but more deeply aligned from within in how you stand and move, bend and bow. 

Rigidity will break you.  Fluidity will keep you moving.

Keep your chin up, Beloved One; there is always going to be something to look forward to and you’ll want to have your eyes open to see it.

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