Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Dream version of Song of Solomon 2

She was surrounded by the scent of roses- a deep, lusty rich scent that reminded her of playful mornings.  Her eyes remained closed as she drank the air with full, deep breathes of appreciation.

“Rachael,” she heard her mother’s voice calling from far away.  Her eyes were so heavy. 
“There’s a deer in the backyard,” her mother said.  “Look!”

And there, beside the pear tree, she saw the beautiful creature.  It was looking at her, meeting her eyes through the back glass door.

Without a second thought, she opened the door and started out toward the deer.  Each step brought her closer to helping the poor thing.

“Don’t worry,” she started to say.  “I’m going to save you...”

When she drew near, close enough to touch the beast, he transformed.

He was tall, taller than a normal man.  And his hands- narrow, long, beautiful fingers soon found her shoulders and pulled her close to him.  She felt herself held, fully enveloped by secure arms.  The love, so strong and pure, warmed her with slow, honeyed waves.  She felt safe and her body relaxed.

Suddenly she understood that it was he who had come to save her, not the other way around.

“Come with me,” he smiled as he spoke.  His fingers ran lightly down her arm as he withdrew from her.

The next moment he was a deer again, and so was she.  The pair of them with swift, purposeful grace, ran away from the house.
                                                        *             *             *
As she started to realize she was wakening from a dream, she forced her eyes to remain closed and her body to be as still as possible so as to not disturb the experience.  She did not want to let this treasure slip away.  It was too precious, too dear, too heartbreaking to let go so easily.  She kept her eyes shut for as long as she could, seeking to further milk the fleeting vibration of that immense love.

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