Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Asheville: A Place Where Dreams Come True

Many of us find ourselves in Asheville from visiting friends and family who live here, staying here for vacation or simply traveling through these beautiful mountains.  Perhaps we think it may be by accident that so many different but like-minded people end up calling Western North Carolina "home", but it is not an accident.

There is something in Asheville that draws people from all kinds of demographics, and each person with their own history of experiences and wisdom.  With the variance of age, ethnicity and socioeconomic levels, what is the binding force that draws us all here, and mixes us up into this beautiful composition of artists, entrepreneurs, healers and horticulturalists?

Asheville is a place where dreams come true because everyone who comes to live here has seen that transformation happen.  We share our stories of awe and gratitude with our neighbors at the mailbox and to the people we bump into at the gas station.  There is a constant spring of bubbling love whenever we talk about our Home.  It comes in the form of recognizing the beauty of undisturbed nature (Walk out of the grocery store and gaze out at the gently rolling mountain range; you'll see what I mean) and it is perpetuated by the beauty of how we treat each other with out-reaching kindnesses  (You'll be pleased by how easy it is to get on and off the high-way when you drive in Asheville, for example.  Letting people in goes way beyond simply opening the door for strangers here).

We make our dreams come true by perpetuating what we valued when we first experienced Asheville: kindness, diversity, and an openness that is seldom felt anywhere else in our country.

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