Sunday, April 13, 2014

Life is a Metaphor

Know this: What you do to others you do to yourself

Let others be your reflective guide in how you treat everyone at all times.  You prove who you are by how you interact with others.

This is why you have an effect in the world and how you can see a reflection of yourself.  Your effort, whether active or passive, has sway on those around you.

This is why you are the change that you wish to see.

Consciously be the change you want have mirrored back to you by others.

Life is a Metaphor

Nature, symbols, beliefs are all synthesized into what you want to perceive.  Do you want to see beauty?  Put that out there.  Be beautiful.  Create beauty.  Revel and rejoice in the beauty that you see all around you and be grateful for its gift to you. 

This is how you perpetuate beauty and anything that you truly wish to see.

Do you wish to perpetuate misery?
Do you see yourself as miserable?
Do you see others as miserable?

Do you perpetuate fear?
Do you see yourself as afraid or others as fearful?

Do you perpetuate scarcity?
Do you perceive yourself as poor or others as poor?

Do you perpetuate kindness?  Are you kind to yourself and others?

Do you accelerate sincere prosperity?
Do you give freely and with a sincere heart? 

Be what you want.

Now- think about what it is that you truly do want and let's start with that.

Do you want recognition?
You know what to do here. 

Do you want to be treated with respect?
Do you want to be surrounded by people you trust?
See these qualities in them.  All it takes is recognition.

What do you want?  What do you want to see in the world?

What To Do When Relationships Seem Imbalanced

"But I'm doing all of this - I'm pouring love into the world and not getting it back.  What's wrong?  Why aren't things balanced?"

Your receiving is blocked because you do not see yourself as valuable and worthy of it.

Know you are worthy.  Love yourself.  See yourself with respect and know your integrity, even if it seems hidden to others.  Your confidence lays in how you treat yourself.

What are you enabling when you allow others to disrespect and devalue you?

What are you modeling as acceptable behavior when you accept this?  You are making it real by accepting it and not lovingly correcting it.

"How do I lovingly correct this imbalance?"

Again, be the change you wish to see.

Your actions are the modeling that others need to see - but they may choose not to.  You still need to be true to them and also to yourself.

"How do I achieve this?"

Put yourself in their position.  If you needed your help, what would you want yourself to do about it?  Would you want to be treated with respect?  Treat them with loving respect, and treat yourself with loving respect.  Sometimes this means time apart so that they do not rely on you for keeping their own imbalance.  They may need other peoples' support, and you always can love them without bounds.  You simply do not wish to continue to enable their powerlessness, or jealousy, or denial, or anger, or fear.

"Will they be saved from themselves if I'm not there to help them?"

Yes, but you need to give them a chance to do this.  See in them how strong they can be and know that they really are.  

Know that all shall be well.

Sometimes it takes a long time for the person you love to detoxify from the noxious prison they've shrouded themselves in for so long.  Your love and devotion, patience and kindness will lend them strength.

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