Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Key

Here’s that key you were looking for,
the one for love, security and more.
You can stop looking for it on the floor;
it’s right here where you left it in the Door.

Oh!  The Door- you’d completely forgotten about that,
the one leading Home where you’d hang up your hat
and visit with loved ones and pet your sweet cat,

And smell the roses in the bouquet
that your wife had just gathered earlier today
from your yard that is full of blossoms and birds
and spiders and veggies and herbs and worms.

You take in a deep breath and release it quite slowly.
In this Kingdom of Home, no one is lowly.

The kids love their Ma and their Pa and each other,
No squabbles break out between sister and brother.

Your cats and your dogs, they get along too;
No biting, no hissing, no rolling in poo.

Dinner’s always tasty, because it’s always made with love
from the fruits of our labor and the sunshine from above.

Dreams are always dreamy, built from the stories that we share
of love and hope and prayers and play and of becoming aware
that though there is a worldly place, of misery, despair,
here at Home we’re safe from harm, because all we do is care

For each other and our creatures and our guests that come to play.
For once you visit, once you know, you’ll always want to stay
where peace and love and harmony all coincide each day.

And guests you’ll see, you’ll soon see my dears, as this is your Home, too;
that the keys you left in the Doors you forgot, they work for every room!

So now that you see that we all have the key to go to all of the places,
to open any door, to open any heart, to put smiles on all of the faces,

Take care to keep it close to your heart and you’ll see the power it holds,
for keys of this sort can unlock certain doors you’ve yet to be shown or told.

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