Sunday, February 16, 2014

This Message is for You

I feel as though I am living in sympatico with you; even if we are not physically communicating, I swear I can vaguely understand some of the pieces that you are going through lately.

I understand that you are re-evaluating yourself, where you are in life and what you truly want - how and if you can really get it - and, perhaps even, if it is indeed worth it for all the trouble.

First, anything of value is worth the work it takes to acquire it.  Sometimes it is terribly difficult to gauge whether or not the goal of the effort is worth pursuing.

I understand that there are multiple stumbling blocks that are being presented to you at this time - both by your self and pointed out by the people you trust.

The thing is, even with all of these voices coming at you and feelings starting to surface, you will continue to live a life of discontent if you neglect listening to your heart first and foremost.

It is because you have been neglecting your heart that you have found yourself here at present; seeking, questioning and listening again to your inner, honest heart's desire will lead you to a more fulfilling life.

Or, you can go on ignoring your true heart's desire and either go through life in a veil of denial and dispassionate complacency or stew in a cesspool of anger and resentment.

Take a moment and listen to your heart, please.  It's worth it, I promise you.

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